Deal Qualification
Deal Qualification
Here's a checklist for partner deal qualification to ensure smooth approval by underwriting:
Google Business and Owner Name: Look for LinkedIn profiles, owner reviews, or information to corroborate the business
Search Business Address:
Red Flag: Business address is not a valid address, is a UPS location, or clearly belongs to a different business.
Visit Website URL
Red Flags:
Website does not work or is not a real site.
Email domain does not match website domain.
Confirm owner name matches ID
Confirm US business bank account/statement
Healthy bank balance on bank statement (>$5k)
Good Industries
Gaming / Sweepstakes
Legal opinion letter and document outlining the states that the merchant is operating in is required for underwriting.
Home/Auto Warranty
Moving Company (eCheck specific if MOTO)
Gun Sales (eCheck specific)
Coin/Gold/Antiques (eCheck specific)
Credit Repair
Debt Collectors
Educational Training
Wholesale Vape / Vaping